viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011

Studying in christmas time...

When we had no classes since Juny until November of this year, because we were mobilized, I never thought that we would have the second term. We had  a referendum in the faculty to decide this topic; in this moment won the option "no", so I thought that it would be the final decition. But about two week after, people in the faculty started to think about to go back to classes again, because the situation with the student's benefits was bad. Finally, we returned to classes.

Now we have classes the whole week, except Thursday, because that is the protected block for the mobilizations. Besides, before we get to classes again, we put some guarantees. Some of them were that it coudn't be more than three evaluations per subject, the attendant of the classes would be free and the teachers would reduce the academic charge. I hope in this term they fulfill the conditions, because we want to continue with the mobilizations. I hope that this is a good term too, I mean, that my classmates and me can get a lot of knowledges about our carreer and that we can pass all the subjects. Also, I hope that the term doesn't be so hard, because in January the weather is worst than in December and it is not very easy to study when it's hot, at least for me, because I don't get concentrated.

The subjects that I taked this term were Methodoly of social investigation II, Social Psicology, Statistics I, Social history of Latin America, Philosophy os Social Sciences, and English IV. I hope to do it well and pass them all.

About studying on summer or christmas time, while most of people are on vacations, it doesn't complicate me very much, but I get a little bit sad, because I didn't get the christmas spirit that I get every year. But it's ok, there are a lot of moments that we can share with the family.

3 comentarios:

  1. We must to give our best in that finally term.
    It was a very strange year, but I know that we learnt a lot with the movilizations.

    See you in the bloooog

  2. Hey! i'm also very sad about christmass and New year, it will be very sad to see everybody having fun and enjoying the hollidays, while we are in classes....

  3. I love Thursdays, but sadly is the busiest day of the week to me. I agree with Graciela, let's give the best of us in this months.

